Wantston wants everything others have, but he won’t even try to acquire what he envies. So no worries.
He is jealous of others’ things. In the anime, he is shown to be weak to compliments about himself.
Japanese Name : Urayamashirou
English Name : Wantston
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 114
Class : Heartful (Pokapoka)
Rank : E
Element / Attribute : Thunder
Favorite Food : Ramen
Role : Ranger
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Greed
Special Effect : Envy
Fusion: –
Evolution : –
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: Wantston wants everything others have, but he won’t even try to acquire what he envies. So no worries.
“Wantston” is a combination of the word want and the name Winston.
“Urayamashirou” combines urayamashii (羨ましい, “jealous, envious”) and rou (郎), a common ending of male names. Youkai Watch List of Yo-Kai