D’wanna’s chants will weaken your resolve! This can make you give up on…y’know, stuff and whatever.
D’wanna has the ability to make anyone decide to abruptly stop what they were doing, as if out of boredom. He does this by reciting a chant while hitting his head with his drumstick like a woodblock, releasing a mist from his mouth that inspirits his victim.
Japanese Name : Tsuzukanasō
English Name : D’wanna
Represent: Wooden Fish Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 044
Class : Mysterious (Fushigi)
Rank : E
Element / Attribute : Restoration
Favorite Food : Hamburgers
Role : Healer
Character : Male
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Soothing Rhythm
Special Effect : Full of Sighs
Evolution : D’wanna >> N’more
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: D’wanna’s chants will weaken your resolve! This can make you give up on… y’know, stuff and whatever
D’wanna is a small Yo-kai that resembles a cross between a monk and a wooden fish. His head looks bigger than his body. It is shaped a lot like a wooden fish, a solid tan color with wavy lips. His mouth is always open. His body seems to be nothing but a black robe with a green cloth on his right side that is connected by a gold ring, He carries a drumstick in one hand. He rides on a flying pillow colored blue-green with yellow triangles on top.
- “D’wanna” is a corruption of the phrase “don’t wanna”, which is slang for “do not want to do”.
- “Tsuzukanasō” translates as “don’t feel like going on”, with the kanji for “monk” (僧) replacing the last syllable.
- D’wanna appears to be the youkai of a mokugyo, a fish-shaped woodblock that Buddhist monks play with a drumstick to keep the rhythm while chanting sutras. The fish, which always keeps its eyes open even when it sleeps, symbolizes alertness and discipline: however D’wanna, humorously, causes people to become apathetic and despondent instead.
- D’wanna is based on the mokugyo daruma, a tsukumogami born from a mokugyo, a fish-shaped woodblock that Buddhist monks play with a drumstick to keep the rhythm while chanting sutras. The fish, which always keeps its eyes open even when it sleeps, symbolizes alertness and discipline: but once it is abandoned and turns into a youkai, this instrument resents its owners for playing it over and over and never allowing it to sleep, and thus takes its revenge by cursing them with chronic insomnia.
D’wanna, in a humorous twist of its original function, causes people to become apathetic and despondent instead. This could be based on the idiom “monk for three days” (Japanese: 三日坊主 Mikka Bōzu), which describes someone who can’t stick to their goals or finish what they started, comparing them to someone quitting monk training after three days because they can’t handle it.