N’more gets bored of things quickly. Some say his cool brows and beard grew from his boredom with shaving.
Japanese Name : Yametaishi
English Name : N’more
Represent: Wooden Fish Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 045
Class : Mysterious (Fushigi)
Rank : C
Element / Attribute : Restoration
Favorite Food : Hamburgers
Role : Healer
Character : Male
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Soothing Rhythm
Special Effect : Full of Sighs
Evolution : D’wanna >> N’more
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: N’more gets bored of things quickly. Some say his cool brows and beard grew from his boredom with shaving.
N’more is the evolved form of D’wanna, so he looks like an older, wiser form of him. He has a very long white beard, and two long white eyebrows. He carries a mallet around with him and wears a purple robe.
N’more is a shortening of the phrase “No more”, indicating reluctance or rejection.
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