A nervous devil who’s too scared to even use his own powers. If he’d just relax, he could be unstoppable.
Timidevil is constantly afraid of seemingly anything and everything, even though he is a powerful A-Rank Yo-kai.
Japanese Name : Debibiru
English Name : Timidevil
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 157
Class : Shady (Usurakage)
Rank : A
Element / Attribute : Fire
Favorite Food : Ramen
Role : Attacker
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Too Afraid
Special Effect : Scaredy-Cat
Fusion: Timidevil + Shard of Evil = Beelzebold
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: A nervous devil who’s too scared to even use his own powers. If he’d just relax, he could be unstoppable.
Timidevil appears to look like a small characteristic devil with small wings and tail, pointed ears and noise with a strange headgear. his wields an over-sized pitchfork and has a constant look of unease on his face.
- “Timidevil” is a portmanteau of timid and devil, referring to his cowardly nature and appearance.
- “Debibiru” is a combination of the English devil (spelt debiru in katakana) and bibiru (ビビる, “chickening out”).
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