Jibanyan’s proud of his new spiky body. Just don’t walk behind him while you’re barefoot.
Japanese Name : Togenyan
English Name : Thornyan
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 094
Class : Charming (Purichi)
Rank : B
Element / Attribute : Wind
Favorite Food : Seafood
Role : Attacker
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Spiky Guard
Special Effect : Needle Poke
Fusion: Jibanyan + Coughkoff = Thornyan
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: Jibanyan’s proud of his new spiky body. Just don’t walk behind him while you’re barefoot.
An ivy-green cat with dull pink nose. His inner-ear is dark yellow, while his muzzle, paw tips, and chest fur are white. He wears a white collar with a dark orange sphere, and around his stomach is a dull orange band. On his head are nine long spikes with white and emerald coloring nearing the tips. His tail flames are orange, yellow, and white and are also spiked.
As a rare non-youkai instance, Thornyan might be based on the cactus cat from the American Southwest, a bobcat-like animal covered in needle-like hair and with a branching tail resembling a saguaro. It’s said to roam through the desert at night and slash cacti open with the spikes on its paws, coming back the following nights to lap at the fermented juices.
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