
Tetsuya – Youkai Watch

A Yo-kai that will stay up playing games no matter how sleepy he gets. If a friend of yours is bragging about having pulled an all-nighter, he probably got Inspirited.

TETSUYA really loves video games to the point of staying up all night to play them.

Japanese Name : Tetsuya
English Name : TETSUYA
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number :
Class : Shady (Usurakage)
Rank : E
Element / Attribute : Thunder
Favorite Food : Hamburgers
Role : Ranger
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Late Night Tension
Special Effect : Night Owl
Fusion: TETSUYA + Hidabat = KANTETSU
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: A Yo-kai that will stay up playing games no matter how sleepy he gets. If a friend of yours is bragging about having pulled an all-nighter, he probably got Inspirited.

TETSUYA is a pale-skinned Yo-kai with half-opened dark pink eyes and a sharp-toothed frown. He has sky blue hair with a small amount of it spiking up to resemble a pair of horns. He wears a blue hoodie with a long tail attached to the back with a large crescent moon attached to the end. Mid-way down, the tail gradually turns gold. On the top of his head sits a white coffee cup with a gold star on it. He is seen laying on a white fluffy cloud.


  • “TETSUYA” is both a common male name, and the Japanese term for “all-nighter” (徹夜, tetsuya).
  • TETSUYA, along with his evolved form, KANTETSU, and U.S.O., are the few Yo-Kai with their names written in upper case italic letters. In the games, these names carry their respective furigana above each syllable to make their pronunciation easier for Japanese players.

Yo-Kai Watch Characters