A gloomy technique who’s always reading. He’s somehow amassed a Yo-kai fan base that likes his pessimism.
Tengloom has a very pessimistic disposition that he passes on his targets. When first summoned by Nate, he says “Whatever. You think I can’t do it anyway.”, showing a strong feeling of defeatism.
Japanese Name : Nekurama Tengu
English Name : Tengloom
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 153
Class : Shady (Usurakage)
Rank : C
Element / Attribute : Wind
Favorite Food : Vegetables
Role : Ranger
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Windshield
Special Effect :
Fusion: Hidabat + Tengloom = Abodabat
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: A gloomy technique who’s always reading. He’s somehow amassed a Yo-kai fan base that likes his pessimism.
Tengloom, much like his name implies, resembles a Kurama Tengu with blue feathers and a black beak. He wears a khaki shirt with a brown-orange vest over it and brown pants, as well as a small hat with a strap and geta sandals. He is always seen carrying a textbook.
“Tengloom” is a portmanteau of tengu and gloom. “Nekurama Tengu” is a pun on nekura (gloomy personality) and Kurama tengu, the name for blue-skinned tengu hailing from Mt. Kurama.
Yokai Watch Characters
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