This Yo-kai will throw a fit whenever he doesn’t get his way… It’s probably time to grow out of that.
Japanese Name : Gaki
English Name : Tantroni
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 151
Class : Shady (Usurakage)
Rank : D
Element / Attribute : Fire
Favorite Food : Chinese Food
Role : Attacker
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Suspicion
Special Effect :
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: This Yo-kai will throw a fit whenever he doesn’t get his way… It’s probably time to grow out of that.
Tantroni has a similar appearance to Suspicioni. He has a large head, with a yellow horn on top of it. He has three, large blue-ish eyes with yellow irises, two in the front of his head, one in the back. He wears a dark grey loincloth with yellow stripes and fluff around his neck.
- “Tantroni” combines tantrum and oni. “Gaki” is the same as its origin, but with a katakana syllable replacing the first kanji.
- Tantroni’s Japanese name (“Gaki”) refers to the Japanese name for preta, or “hungry ghosts”. In Buddhism, they are the souls of greedy, gluttonous or otherwise materialistic people who couldn’t let go of their desires and thus wallow in the underbelly of the universe, plagued by a constant hunger. In Japanese, spoiled or bratty children are also called “gaki” as an insult.
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