A Yo-kai that is always first to the battle! With no clothes to slow him down, he shows up early and always has a nice tan.
Japanese Name : Sakigakenosuke
English Name : Tanbo
Represent: Humanoid Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 003
Class : Brave (Isamashi)
Rank : B
Element / Attribute : Earth
Favorite Food : Rice Balls
Role : Attacker
Character : Male
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Careless
Special Effect : Gutsiness
Fusion: –
Evolution : –
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: A Yo-kai that is always first to the battle! With no clothes to slow him down, he shows up early and always has a nice tan.
Tanbo has the ability buyoujin (carelessness) which causes him to get critical hits from yo-kai more often. For the trade, in Yo-kai Watch 2, he can hold 2 items. He can attack with his stick multiple times at you which has a power of 12-26×3. He can also use Koishi no jyustu (pebble technique) which has a power of 20-90. When he possesses his allies, he makes their suicidal spirit which makes their speed go up. His Soultimate Attack, Kirikomi ichiban (Gutsy Cut) has a power of 155-232 which hits only one opponent.
Darkly tanned with black eyes. His facial markings are yellow while his stomach is pale yellow. His feet and wristbands are dark brown. His loincloth/apron is white and his hair is red.
Yo-Kai Watch Youkai List