A Yo-kai with a heart as big as the ocean. Some say that Swosh embodies the sea itself.
Japanese Name : Umibouzu
English Name : Swosh
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 083
Class : Tough (Goketsu)
Rank : S
Element / Attribute : Water
Favorite Food : Vegetables
Role : Tank
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Blessed Body
Special Effect :
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: A Yo-kai with a heart as big as the ocean. Some say that Swosh embodies the sea itself.
“Swosh” could refer to the sound of the rolling waves.
Swosh is based on the umibouzu (“sea monk”), which is also his Japanese name. This youkai appears as a pitch-black, oily giant emerging from the sea causing huge waves, staring down at ships with huge brilliant eyes. The name “monk”, like for other similarly named youkai, is owed to its smooth, round head, like a monk’s shaven scalp. Seasoned sailors know to remain silent and sail by quietly if they spot one, because this youkai dislikes screaming and loud noises, and will promptly smash the source of its annoyance to bits if provoked. Some sources claim it’s actually a giant octopus, or an enormous sealion.
Yokai Watch Names