This middle-aged Yo-kai loves hot baths and even sneaks into hot springs after hours. He turns red and snorts fire from his nose when he’s been soaking too long.
When disturbed from his bath, he becomes very angry. Otherwise he is fairly calm, as long as he is not bothered.
Japanese Name : Nobosetonman
English Name : Sproink
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 225
Class : Eerie (Bukimi)
Rank : B
Element / Attribute : Fire
Favorite Food : Chinese Food
Role : Tank
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill :
Special Effect :
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Yo-kai Medallium Bio: This middle-aged Yo-kai loves hot baths and even sneaks into hot springs after hours. He turns red and snorts fire from his nose when he’s been soaking too long.
A large pig yokai. He’s pink and incredably fat, so fat that his big red belly button sticks out. He wears a yellow swim mask. He has a single purple spike onto of his head and thick purple lips. This tongue is green and always hanging out. He has floppy ears like a dog. He wears a grey towel tied around his shoulder and two wrist bands. He wears white boxers and a blue loin cloth with a bath symbol on it. He carries a wooden wash tub in each hand.
- Nobosetonman means “Hot Flash Pig Man”.
- “Sproink” is a portmanteau of the words spring (as in hot springs), and oink, the sound a pig makes.