Cursed by his demon blade, Snee searches the world for blood. He excels at silently sneaking up on his enemies.
Japanese Name : Muramasa
English Name : Snee
Represent: Swordsman Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 029
Class : Brave (Isamashi)
Rank : A
Element / Attribute : Absorption
Favorite Food : Seafood
Role : Attacker
Character : Male
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Cursed Skin
Special Effect : Cursed Sword
Fusion: Chansin + Cursed Blade = Snee
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: Cursed by his demon blade, Snee searches the world for blood. He excels at silently sneaking up on his enemies
“Snee” is a Dutch word meaning “Wound”.
Snee’s Japanese name, Muramasa, refers to Muramasa Senji, a legendary swordsmith of the Muromachi period who crafted beautiful, amazingly sharp katana blades, which were named after him. However, he was said to be a violent, unstable individual, attributes which his works allegedly inherited. The likely truth of the matter is that the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu was said to have lost many friends and dear ones to Muramasa owners, and even wounded himself badly by accident when handling one: for that reason he forbade carrying any sword forged by Muramasa, which fueled the rumors and legends around them. They were said to be cursed, grim blades, that once drawn could not be sheathed again until they had tasted blood, and so unnaturally sharp that even if placed down on the surface of a river they would slice all leaves and fish floating through.
Muramasa Senji was said to be a contemporary and rival of the swordsmith Gorou Nyuudo Masamume (see Sheen#Trivia), but this is untrue as Muramasa lived much later than him.
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