Signiton is almost a deity for those in desperate need of a wireless signal. He can boost your reception if you ask.
Japanese Name : Denjin
English Name : Signiton
Represent: Humanoid Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 064
Class : Mysterious (Fushigi)
Rank : A
Element / Attribute : Thunder
Favorite Food : Rice Balls
Role : Attacker
Character : Male
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Lightning Play
Special Effect : Paralyze
Fusion: Signibble + GHz Orb = Signiton
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: Signiton is almost a deity for those in desperate need of a wireless signal. He can boost your reception if you ask.
Stigniton bears a slight resemblance to Electabuzz from the Pokémon franchise.
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