Jibanyan made of sapphire. His body is the color of a clear ocean on a beautiful summer day.
Japanese Name : Safainyan
English Name : Sapphinyan
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 219
Class : Charming (Purichi)
Rank : A
Element / Attribute : Water
Favorite Food : Seafood
Role : Attacker
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Linked Together
Special Effect :
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: Jibanyan made of sapphire. His body is the color of a clear ocean on a beautiful summer day.
Sapphinyan is a pure sapphire Yo-Kai with big black eyes. It’s muzzle and paw tips are solid white, while it’s inner-ear and nose are gold. Around it’s belly is a pure gold band to match it’s collar, which has a lavender sphere hanging from it. The flames of it’s tails are bright yellow.
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