Everything he does is decided by a roll of his dice eyes. Their outcome changes his personality!
Japanese Name : Sainomenyuudou
English Name : Rollen
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 130
Class : Heartful (Pokapoka)
Rank : B
Element / Attribute : Water
Favorite Food : Candy
Role : Healer
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Gambler
Special Effect : Luck’s Smile
Fusion: –
Evolution : –
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: Everything he does is decided by a roll of his dice eyes. Their outcome changes his personality!
- “Rollen” is a corruption of rolling. “Sainome-Nyūdō” translates as “Dice Eyes Monk”.
- Rollen might be based on the youkai called tsurube-otoshi: appearing as a huge, grinning disembodied head, this creature likes to take residence in the thick of pine or kaya forests. It rolls around or suddenly drops from the treetops to startle passerbys or even prey on them, only to disappear back into the foliage just as quickly, laughing and taunting those below. These sudden motions, reminiscent of a bucket going up and down a well, are what this youkai owes its name to (meaning “bucket drop”). It is also believed to hurl stones or actual well buckets at its victims. Yokai Watch List of Youkai
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