A butterfly Yo-kai with otherworldly wings. Breathing in its scales will boost your level of excitement to its max.
It is a very cheerful yo-kai as within the episode was only seen once not smiling.
Japanese Name : Ageageha
English Name : Peppillon
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 124
Class : Heartful (Pokapoka)
Rank : S
Element / Attribute : Restoration
Favorite Food : Juice
Role : Healer
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : –
Special Effect : –
Fusion: –
Evolution : –
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: A butterfly Yo-kai with otherworldly wings. Breathing in its scales will boost your level of excitement to the max.
Peppillon is a different colored variation of Betterfly. It has pink and white on the top pairs of its wings, with white shapes making eye shapes with curved eye-like shapes underneath the eyes and complete with eyebrows. Then the bottom pair has green wings with white swirls that represents wind. The face is purple with a white curve on the top,her eyes are red with a darker yellow circle in the middle. There appears to be a white tuft like shape on the head. Her/His body is black with a small area being purple and pink colored shapes, then the rest is black and white stripes. What appears to be red fluff is worn around her/his neck like a scarf.
- The name Peppillon is a portmanteau of peppy, meaning “light spirited”, and papillon, the French word for “butterfly”.
- Ageageha is derived from “Ageage”, which describes “great elation”; and “Ageha”, the Japanese term for the swallowtail butterfly (Japanese: アゲハチョウ Agehachō).
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