Nate wants to watch a movie called Space Wars III, but Netaballerina wants to spoil it. When Nate avoided knowing about the movie many times, Netaballerina stopped. However at the end, someone naturally spoiled it for him without Netaballerina’s power.
Japanese Name : Netabareriina
English Name : Netaballerina
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number :
Class : Charming (Purichi)
Rank : S
Element / Attribute : Wind
Favorite Food : Sweet
Role : Healer
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Beautiful Steps
Special Effect : Spoilers
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: Spoilers… A phenomenon that people are afraid of to this day. Netaballerina can easily cause this phenomenon.’
A small pale-skinned Yokai with big black shiny eyes. She has big blue dot-style eyebrows and tiny blushed cheeks. Her hair is blue and entirely pulled back, with a giant flowered piece on each side of the head. She wears a dull white ballerina dress with yellow ruffles underneath, a white collar, and blue ballerina slippers that match the bow around the waist.
- Netaballerina so far is the only Legendary Yo-kai to not have been summoned via Medallium.
- Netaballerina’s name is a pun on “Spoiler” (Japanese: ネタバレ Netabare) and “ballerina”.