An ancient mirror that embodied a soul and became a Yo-kai. It can make a portal between two mirrors.
Mirapo are somewhat lazy, as they are seen sleeping when first confronted. However, when awake, they are polite and very obedient when asked to be warped to a place.
In the InaUsa’s Mysterious Detective Agency series, Mirapo is shown to be a bit meek, never raising his voice at others and having trouble speaking for himself. However, he takes his pride as a mirror very seriously, causing him to snap at Inaho when she suggested glass doors as a replacement for his stolen mirror part.
Japanese Name : Ungaikyou
English Name : Mirapo
Represent: Inanimate Object Yo-Kai
Medallium Number : 069
Class : Mysterious (Fushigi)
Rank : C
Element / Attribute : Absorption
Favorite Food : Chinese Food
Role : Tank
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Mirror Body
Special Effect : Mirror Power
Fusion: Mirapo + Espy = Ungai Sanmenkyo
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: An ancient mirror that embodied a soul and became a Yo-kai. It can make a portal between two mirrors.
Mirapo resembles a mirror with a dark purple frame with skinny arms and diminutive legs. it has a set of circular eyes and an oval mouth with a slim tongue protuding from it. The space reflected by the mirror is black.
By going through this Yo-kai’s mirror, it can transport you to any place you want, including the Yo-kai World.
In the first game, Mirapo can be used as a teleportation system all around Springdale, but one must first find a Mirapo in the overworld and “wake” them up first in order to access that area.
Mirapo is based on the Ungaikyō, a tsukumogami (common item youkai) born from a polished bronze mirror. It only comes to life when its owner is asleep, and for that reason it’s dangerous to leave it facing the bed.
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