Komasan’s travels made him grow up into a brave and dependable Yo-kai. He’s strong, too!
Japanese Name : Shishikoma
English Name : Komane
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 100
Class : Charming (Purichi)
Rank : A
Element / Attribute : Fire
Favorite Food : Milk
Role : Attacker
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Alpha
Special Effect :
Evolution : Komasan >> Komane
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: Komasan’s travels made him grow up into a brave and dependable Yo-kai. He’s strong, too!
A dull-white, lion-like Yo-kai with big lime-green eyes and red markings encircling them. He has red stripes for whiskers as well as stripes below the shoulder, and on each hip. His inner-ear and stomach are blue, while at the center of it’s head is a blue flame ponytail with a bigger tail matching it. Around it’s wrist, eyebrows, and feet are the same markings. The pouch it wore beforehand turns into a short cape.
- ‘Shishi’ comes from Shishi (Lion) statues. The ‘Koma’ part of his name stems from the word Komainu (Lion dog).
- ‘Komane’ is combination of ‘Koma’ and ‘mane’ as in a lion’s mane in which both words describe the word Komainu.