A terribly gluttonous Yo-kai that’ll eat anything in front of him. His mouth is like a black hole-even rice can’t escape it.
Japanese Name : Kuiijii
English Name : Hungorge
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 117
Class : Heartful (Pokapoka)
Rank : B
Element / Attribute : Absorption
Favorite Food : Rice Ball
Role : Healer
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Starver
Special Effect : Starve
Fusion: –
Evolution : Hungramps >> Hungorge
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: A terribly gluttonous Yo-kai that’ll eat anything in front of him. His mouth is like a black hole- even rice can’t escape it.
Hungorge has a very large mouth with a long purple tongue coming out of it. His tongue has a long piece of drool coming down the tip of it. He has a single tooth in his mouth. His ears are long and droopy. He is holding a bowl with some sort of food in it, he must be always eating.
Hungorge is a portmanteau of hunger and gorge. Yokai Watch List of Yo-Kai