A powerful, greedy Yo-kai who wants to control the world’s wealth. He’ll do anything for money.
Scrooge and loving money.
Japanese Name : Dokechingu
English Name : Greesel
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 160
Class : Shady (Usurakage)
Rank : S
Element / Attribute : Fire
Favorite Food : Meat
Role : Ranger
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Mine
Special Effect : Stinginess
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: A powerful, greedy Yo-kai who wants to control the world’s wealth. He’ll do anything for money.
Greesel resembles an elderly figure with teal skin, long beard and a gourd-shaped head with a kanji in his front. He wears a brown haori and gray hakama, as well as sandals. He carries a brown wooden staff and rides a floating red cushion.
- “Greesel” is derived from “Greed”.
- “Dokeching” is a portmanteau of “Stinginess” (Japanese: ドケチ, Dokechi) and “King” (Japanese: キング, Kingu)
- Greesel is physically based in the youkai Nurarihyon, said to be the leader of the Hyakki Yakou (Hundred Demon Night Parade). In the original tales he’s described as an old man with an elongated head. He’ll infiltrate mansions at dusk and pretend to be the lord of the house, smoking the master’s pipe, drinking tea, barking orders at the servants and generally making himself at home. Ironically, there would later be a Yo-kai actually named Nurarihyon.
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