Fidgephant always feels like his nose is going to leak. He attacks with a water stream when he has to release it all!
Fidgephant is usually holding his trunk, trying to hold in the liquid until he can’t hold it in anymore.
Japanese Name : Morezou
English Name : Fidgephant
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 064
Class : Tough (Goketsu)
Rank : C
Element / Attribute : Water
Favorite Food : Rice Balls
Role : Tank
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Endurance
Special Effect :
Evolution : Fidgephant >> Gamammoth
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: Fidgephant always feels like his nose is going to leak. He attacks with a water stream when he has to release it all!
Fidgephant is a blue-green yo-kai that resembles an elephant. He has big, round, yellow eyes with cross-shaped pupils. He wears an orange robe. He is an average sized yo-kai (about half the height of Nathan).
- While it is unknown what exactly Fidgephant sprays from its trunk, it is suggested that is some form of urine, based on Fidgephant’s behavior and Nate’s aversion to touching it as he takes Fidgephant’s medal from the puddle.
- In the English dub, he speaks with a French accent.
- “Fidgephant” is a portmanteau of the words fidget, to squirm or move about in place and elephant.
- “Morezou” is a portmanteau of “Leakage” (Japanese: 漏れぞ, Morezo) and “Elephant” (Japanese: 象, Zō).