Too lazy to get a haircut, but not too lazy to slash enemies with his untidy strands.
Japanese Name : Zanbaratou
English Name : Cutta-nah-nah
Represent: Blade Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 005
Class : Brave (Isamashi)
Rank : C
Element / Attribute : Wind
Favorite Food : Juice
Role : Attacker
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Bladed Body
Special Effect : Laziness
Fusion: –
Evolution : Cutta-nah >> Cutta-nah-nah
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: Too lazy to get a haircut, but not too lazy to slash enemies with his untidy strands.
Cutta-nah-nah largely resembles his pre-evolved form. The most obvious quality that separates the two is that Cutta-nah-nah has five blades coming out of his head. The blade tips are rather rounded in shape.
“Cutta-nah-nah” is a corruption of the word katana, a single-edged sword used by the Samurai. It could also be a play on its Japanese name translation (“nah” meaning “no”, as in too lazy to cut or attack.) Yokai Watch Yo-Kai List