This narcissist makes every lady he sees fall in love with him, regardless of appearance.
True to his Medallium bio, he is a narcissist. He is a smooth talker and popular with the lady Yo-kais. In the game, he claims himself as the “loving prince of the Yo-kai World”.
Casanuva can make anyone he inspirits extremely popular and very noticeable.
Japanese Name : Motemacool
English Name : Casanuva
Represent: Gunfighter Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 057
Class : Mysterious (Fushigi)
Rank : A
Element / Attribute : Wind
Favorite Food : Bread
Role : Healer
Character : Male
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Popular
Special Effect :
Fusion: Cupistol + Love Buster = Casanuva
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: This narcissist makes every lady he sees fall in love with him, regardless of appearance.
A dark grey-skinned yo-kai with dull red, feminine eyes. Casunuva has light pink hair that curls around a gold hoop and it accessorized with a red heart hairclip on the side. His torso is red with a band of white so far down, while his legs appear dark turquoise with a single, angelic wing on each side of the foot. Each hand has a red and gold heart-shaped cannon on top of it.
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