He claims to practice “cicada ninjutsu”…but that’s not really a thing. Unless it’s a mastery of running away.
Japanese Name : Semimaru
English Name : Cadin
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 087
Class : Charming (Purichi)
Rank : E
Element / Attribute : Wind
Favorite Food : Juice
Role : Ranger
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Modest
Special Effect : Cicada Ninjutsu
Evolution : Cadin >> Cadable
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: He claims to practice “cicada ninjutsu”…but that’s not really a thing. Unless it’s a mastery of running away.
Cadin is a cicada Yo-kai. Cadin is mainly light-yellow and green, and has a purple belt under which it sheathes its sword. Cadin has a long beak, four arms, and two legs on which it wears a pair of geta.
- Cadin’s original name (Semimaru) is merely semi (Japanese: 蝉, “cicada”) with the “maru” suffix typical of boy names. It might also be a wordplay on Semimaru, a famous poet and musician of the Heian period.
- Unlike how Jibanyan and Dismerelda were the first two Yo-Kai Nate meets in the anime, Cadin is the first Yo-Kai befriended by the player to fight Buhu.
- Cadin’s design is based on a cicada, specifically the Japanese species called minminzemi, after its “min min” cry which is also Cadin’s catchphrase. (Said species is also a catchable bug in the game, called Green Cicada in the US port.)
- Cicadas are especially known for their courtship calls, which are particularly loud (up to 120 dB, one of the loudest in the animal kingdom) and usually performed at dusk to avoid the attention of predators. They’re regarded as one of the symbols of summer, and in past ages both them and crickets would be kept as pets for people to enjoy their singing. They also give their name to a type of ninja decoy techniques (typically removing one’s overcoat and luring the enemy into striking it), called utsusemi no jutsu (“cicada skin technique”), something that informs Cadin’s claim to ninja status.