This bird Yo-kai is always bummed out. People he Inspirits get depressed and distracted a lot.
Not only she is constantly depressed, her unlucky influence on others only adds to her misery. She apologizes for any inconvenience she causes.
Japanese Name : Tohohogisu
English Name : Buhu
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 166
Class : Eerie (Bukimi)
Rank : E
Element / Attribute : Wind
Favorite Food : Bread
Role : Attacker
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Wind Play
Special Effect : Depression
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: This bird Yo-kai is always bummed out. People he Inspirits get depressed and distracted a lot.
A downcast-looking blue bird with aqua-colored feathers on its midsection. The bottom and feet are a dull yellow just like the beak. It hangs its head low, with the face on it’s torso matching its expression.
- “Buhu” is a corruption of the onomatopoeia boo-hoo, used for crying inconsolably.
- “Tohohogisu” combines tohoho (onomatopoeia for forlorn sobbing) and hototogisu (“lesser cuckoo”).
- Besides sharing her inspiration with Skreek, the basis for Buhu’s concept likely comes from the wordplay in her name.
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