Said to have taken down an entire Yo-kai crew by himself, many rebel Yo-kai revere him as a big brother.
He appears to be a tough and intimidating Yo-kai, but in actuality, he acts like a cool big brother figure to all who surround him. Upon giving his opponents gifts or encouragement, they instantaneously fall in adoration of him.
Japanese Name : Aniki
English Name : Bruff
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 072
Class : Tough (Goketsu)
Rank : A
Element / Attribute : Earth
Favorite Food : Ramen
Role : Tank
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Revenge
Special Effect : Enrage
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: Said to have taken down an entire Yo-kai crew by himself, many rebel Yo-kai revere him as a big brother.
A large, purple ogre-like yo-kai with similar features to Badude. He has a yellow pompadour, red-tinted glasses, a purple vest, green pants, and geta shoes. He has bandages around his wrists, waist, and hair. He carries a large club covered in nails and a weed in his mouth.
“Bruff” is a portmanteau of the word bro (as in brother) and a corrupted form of the word rough.
‘Aniki’ means Big Brother. But the ‘鬼’ (ogre) in his name is a play on words rendering his name to read what is essentially ‘Big Bro-gre’.
Yo-Kai Watch Japanese Names