If you see someone get out of the pool with blue lips, they might just be Inspirited by Blips…
Japanese Name : Aokuchibiru
English Name : Blips
Represent: Humanoid Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 052
Class : Mysterious (Fushigi)
Rank : C
Element / Attribute : Absorption
Favorite Food : Hamburgers
Role : Healer
Character : Female
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Unbreakable Heart
Special Effect :
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: If you see someone get out of the pool with blue lips, they might just be Inspirited by Blips…
Blips resembles Lafalotta. She has an oval shaped yet with eyes on the sides of her head. She is missing a nose but has a very large mouth that takes up the majority of her face. Her lips are blue. She has four teeth, spaced apart on the top of her mouth. On the top of her head is a small circular shape. Off of this sphere comes her hair.
“Blips” could be a contraction of blue lips, which is also the translation of “Aokuchiburu”.
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