Japanese Name : Asekkaki
English Name :
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number :
Class : Tough (Goketsu)
Rank : C
Element / Attribute : Fire
Favorite Food : Curry
Role : Tank
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill :
Special Effect :
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio:
Asekkaki is an obese Yo-Kai with two small horns on top of his head, and thick lips. He is always sweating, with the droplets oozing out of his body. He wears red trousers with black tiger stripes, and goes barefoot. He is seen with a white sweat towel on his right hand.
“Asekkaki” sounds like “Heavy Sweater” (Japanese: 汗っかき Asekkaki), but with the last syllable replaced with the kanji for “oni”.
Yo-Kai Watch Japanese Names