Blowkade is one weird Yo-kai. Nobody knows why he puts his all into blocking people’s paths.
Japanese Name : Toosenbon
English Name : Blowkade
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 066
Class : Tough (Goketsu)
Rank : D
Element / Attribute : Water
Favorite Food : Milk
Role : Tank
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : The Stand
Special Effect :
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: Blowkade is one weird Yo-kai. Nobody knows why he puts his all into blocking people’s paths.
Blowkade has a very unique appearance. He has the body of a blowfish but he has two legs and two arms. He appears to be pretty tough and determined.
“Blowkade” is a portmanteau of blowfish and blockade.
Yokai Watch Names