Enerfly (Zekkouchou)

Enerfly (Zekkouchou)
Enerfly (Zekkouchou) – Youkai Watch

A butterfly Yo-kai who brings those it Inspirits to their peak condition. Often mistaken for Enefly.

Japanese Name : Zekkouchou
English Name : Enerfly
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 121
Class : Heartful (Pokapoka)
Rank : D
Element / Attribute : Restoration
Favorite Food : Juice
Role : Healer
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Miraculous Scales
Special Effect : Energize
Fusion: Enerfly + Enefly = Betterfly
Evolution : –
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: A butterfly Yo-kai who brings those it inspirits to their peak condition. Often mistaken for Enefly.

Enerfly appears as a red, orange, yellow, and green butterfly. He has a long, yellow, needle-like nose. His antennae are thin and black with green, yellow, orange, and red wisps on the end. The pattern on his wings look like eyes with red irises.

Zekkocho is a combination of “Best Condition” (Japanese: 絶好調, Zekkōchō)and “Butterfly” (Japanese: 蝶, Chō). It can be taken to mean “Ideal Butterfly” (Japanese: 絶好蝶, Zekkōchō). Youkai Watch List of Yo-Kai


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