

Jorougumo – Youkai Watch

A poison specialist. He is a guy who likes very girly plans, like putting poison in cakes or kissing people while having poison lipstick on.

Jorogumo’s soul -The yo-kai who has this will strongly resist earth attribute attacks.

Japanese Name : Jorougumo
English Name : Jorougumo
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number :
Class : Eerie (Bukimi)
Rank : S
Element / Attribute : Earth
Favorite Food : Soba
Role : Ranger
Character :
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : General
Special Effect :
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: A poison specialist. He is a guy who likes very girly plans, like putting poison in cakes or kissing people while having poison lipstick on.

Jorogumo takes their name from the youkai of the Nephila Clavata spider. Different from the tsuchigumo, they are female youkai that use their beauty to lure their prey, but revert to their monstrous spider form once they’re in their clutches, and control hordes of smaller spiders to do their bidding.
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