Arai Masho


Arai Masho - Youkai Watch
Arai Masho – Youkai Watch

A shogun that rules through cleaning. Everyone cowers before him because such is his love for tidiness, he’ll fire a servant simply because his helmet is dirty.

His mission is to clean every house in Japan.

Japanese Name : Arai Masho
English Name : Arai Masho
Represent: Humanoid Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 008
Class : Brave (Isamashi)
Rank : B
Element / Attribute : Ice
Favorite Food : Sweet
Role : Healer
Character : Male
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Neat Freak
Special Effect : Washing
Evolution : Katazukerai >> Arai Masho
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: A shogun that rules through cleaning. Everyone cowers before him because such is his love for tidiness, he’ll fire a servant simply because his helmet is dirty.

Arai Masho dawns pure white armor, gilded with gold trimming, and characters on his shoulder pads. His eyes are red, and his skin is a dark peach shade. Arai Masho also has an extremely prominent “dad-style” mustache, a dad-stache, if you will. His helmet has two horns upon it, and he also wears a sanitary mask, playing into his theme a bit more. He also has blue cleaning gloves, and a large spray bottle. In terms of clothing, Arai Masho wears white pants, socks, and sandals, a disgusting fashion thread if you ask me.

“Arai Masho” is a play on masho (魔将, “demon general”) and the phrase araimashou (let’s clean up)
Yokai Watch Characters