Tokio Ubaune, commonly refered to as Ubaune (ウバウネ) or also as Motojime-sama by Kin and Gin, is a Boss Yo-Kai
Ubaune is shown to hold a deep grudge for humans due to the long time she spent in prison when she was alive; in her own words, since she was robbed of her precious time, she will do the same with the time of everyone.
Ubaune does not seem to understand the bonds between humans and Yo-Kai, which lead to her desire of preventing the creation of the Yo-Kai Watch 60-years ago, which is further evidenced by her creation of the Kaima in order to sever the bonds between humans and Yo-Kai and between themselves, by sparkling the war between the Ganso and Honke armies and infecting the humans during the 60-year lapse.
Her negative qualities are further enhanced when she becomes Subete Ubaune by robbing humans of their positive feelings.
In Shin’uchi. she eventually has a change of heart -which is made more noticeable by her conversion into Kireina Ubaune (きれいなウバウネ) – upon realizing her hairpiece was deeply treasured by the people she once loved as a human.
Japanese Name : Tokio Ubaune
English Name : Tokio Ubaune
Represent: xxx Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 394
Class : Boss (Bosu)
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Time : Present Youkai
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Yo-kai Medallium Bio:
She has the power to create Kaima by farting, when tends to disturb opponents. She can also destroy weaker kaima with her shouting. When she gets mad enough, she transforms into her final form. In the movie however, this final form is tiny, but she also multiplies her self to be able to form a giant monster.
Ubaune resembles a large, elderly woman with greyish, wrinkled skin with black-shaded facial features, greyish-blue long nails. and violet hair styled in a courtesan-like fashion, complimented by a golden hairpiece with two scarlet threads which end in golden tassels. Her attire gives her a regal apperance: she wears an orange noblewoman suit with a layer of lighter- shaded orange cloth under that and another dark-green layer underneath it, fastened by an orange obi. She also wears a black haori lined in gold. She also carries a violet cane with a lime-green handle.
After becoming Subete Ubaune, her body becomes serpentine-like and coiled, fuscia in color. She gains four arms garbed in a black jacket. Her face becomes more beast-like with her eyes becomin pure red and circled by blue lines, and her head gains a set of eight hairpins below her hairpiece, with her hair becoming fucsia-colored and ending in the sides with two spiked wing-like braids.
In the first movie, her Kyodai Ubaune form is compossed by tiny Subete Ubaunes, and the overall shape of her body resembles a serpentine creature.
Her name is a pun on ” 時をうばうね,” which means “to take away/steal time.”
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