If Beetler bashes baddies in a bevy of brutal battles, the result will be a big-bodied Beetall.
Japanese Name : Kuwaga Taishou
English Name : Beetall
Represent: Stag Beetle / Bug Yo-kai
Medallium Number : 036
Class : Brave (Isamashi)
Rank : S
Element / Attribute : Ice
Favorite Food : Vegetables
Role : Attacker
Character : Male
Time : Present Youkai
Skill : Intimidating Sense
Special Effect :
Fusion: Beetler + General’s Soul = Beetall
Evolution :
Yo-kai Medallium Bio: If Beetler bashes baddies in a bevy of brutal battles, the result will be a big-bodied Beetall.
Beetall is the first evolved Yo-kai whose attribute changes upon evolution.
“Beetall” is a combination of beetle and beat all. “Kuwaga-taishou” combines kuwagata (stag beetle) and taishou (general).
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